Music News: Jeff Rosenstock Talks Getting Older With Anthony Fantano

DIY punk hero of Bomb The Music Industry and Quote Unquote Records, Jeff Rosenstock, recently spoke to Anthony Fantano of the Needle Drop YouTube channel about his own material and other music news.

Fantano gave Rosenstock his Album of The Year accolade for HELLMODE, which Rosenstock released back in September 2023.

One of the prominent topics of the discussion was Rosenstock’s age and how he manages to keep himself “youthful” in his mentality as he moves into his 40s (he’s 41).

“I try to not think about it. Although like once you hit 40 it’s hard to not think about it you know what I mean?” Rosenstock noted. “I think also a lot of people who I know who are around my age, they all have like kids and stuff, they have full-blown families. So they’re focused on that I think.”

Music News: Jeff Rosenstock on Being his “True Freaky Self Sometimes”

Rosenstock would also discuss Jack Terrycloth of  World Inferno Friendship Society, saying how his death during the pandemic influenced some of the writing on HELLMODE, mainly when he looked back at his own youth and how WIFS gigs would make him feel.
“I was a big fan of Jack Terrycloth from World Inferno Friendship Society who passed away over the pandemic.
“I thought about how many times I’d seen that band and how inspiring they had been to me, to like not only make music but just to like be ‘okay’ with being my true freaky self sometimes.”

AI in Creative Spaces

Jeff would also talk about the rise of AI-generated content in the creative spaces, specifically focusing on the recent issues with Sports Illustrated and people in the animation industry potentially losing their jobs to robots.

You can check out the full interview below but prepare to feel really really damn old if you’re over the age of 30 (hi):

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